A special Tribute to All Mothers…
by HRM
A Mother Pecking Her Child
We both rejoice when you told me you were pregnant but since day one when God blessed your womb with a baby, I noticed your body started going through vigorous changes – THANK YOU
While i was out with my friends, you were at home feeling sick, spitting and vomiting
While i complain about you getting lazy, our baby was busy creating room inside you and growing – THANK YOU
I watched how your favourite food became your enemy as you started to crave for oddly meals, you changed your diet and you started to add weight – THANK YOU
A Mother and her Child
An excited mother carrying up her child
You lost your shape because of our baby, you lost part of your beauty as your stomach started coming out. Your clothes became smaller as your belly grows bigger. You got worried about the stretch marks – THANK YOU
And one day you called me to watch our baby kick inside you! It was unbelievable!! Right there, I vowed to myself that YOU WILL FOREVER BE MY QUEEN – THANK YOU
I did not know how strong you are until when I saw you in labour, you laid down your life to give birth to our child. You sacrifice EVERYTHING TO BUILD US A FAMILY, I shall honour forever my super mama. You deserve every thing good in life and I will always strive to provide it. I shall forever respect you my woman – THANK YOU
You body is now perfect and your stretch marks looks so beautiful, i have come to realize how your stretch marks symbolizes strength and beauty of motherhood, all I can say is THANK YOU MOTHER
May God bless every woman reading this. Women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
May God bless all the womb of all the women trying to conceive and those with children will never bury their kids.
Truly Motherhood is Beautiful.