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The desperation for land colonies in the south is not about herdsmen and cows. The nobility does not need herdsmen to make wealth. They own oil blocs and this provide windfall wealth more than cows can ever provide. They get the lion share of monthly allocations (even though they contribute the least). They make good profits from central bank currency manipulation scams. They control the southern sea ports and control the richest parastatal (NNPC) … these herdsmen are not cattle rearers but foot soldiers of the fulani empire. That is why they carry guns they can’t afford and why the government even entertains plans to have grazing colonies for them in the barracks. The Fulani people have mastered the secret of domination over centuries. First is to send your businessmen which was what the Europeans did when they sent their businessmen to Africa, they came pretending to seek business alliances but their secret mission was imperialism. Most empires of the British started as a business interest and these business men were given a mandate in the form of a British charter to take over territory for business, The British provided military aid if there was the need. In the South African countries, they sent men like Cecil Rhones, the diamond magnate who boasted that England would colonize the stretch from Cape Town to Cairo (and it so happened to be). In India (the jewel of the British empire), the relationship started as a business interest as well through the East India Company. Colonization started as a business charter granted to the National African company. (renamed Royal Niger Company) in Nigeria. Goldie and his company were the ones who signed majority of the treaties with the local leaders of Southern Nigeria. It was Goldie who united the different factions of the Niger Basin to become a sole monopoly trader in the Niger Basin. He dominated the palm oil trade in the region and through the wealth, he penetrated the hinterland as far as Bussa. it was this company that conquered Nupe land and Ilorin, breaking both kingdoms away from Sokoto. It was also this company that captured and restructured the Kabba provinces. These major heights were already achieved by the company before the British paid the company £865,000 after which it sent Lord Lugard to finally re brand the conquered territories into one single colony under the British empire. Second phase is to impose your version of religion to mentally enslave the people. this religion could be an infusion of one practiced by the natives, howbeit with a new kind of edited version championed by a charismatic leader in the interest of the empire, which was the case with Alexander ‘s introduction of Hellenism in the middle East and Usman Dan Fodio’s Sufism in the Hausa states. It could also be a totally alien religion as Christianity brought through the Anglican church of England to Southern Nigeria through Ajayi Crowther. The third phase is to invade and take over administration. Resistance at this point is usually minimal. Fulani herdsmen migrate into regions they wish to colonize, but just as the British business interests working for the empire, they are foot soldiers working for the goal of Fulani domination of the South, a vast region they have been obsessed to dominate like they did in the Hausa states since the 1800’s. Major factions of Usman Dan Fodio army were pastoralists. This was possible because the first phase of migration for business interest was in place. Fluani herdsmen had earlier migrated to Katsina ( the richest of the Hausa states before the jihad which caused its decline, placing Kano as the main commercial center in 1815) in the 15th century and for decades, had constant feuds with the Hausa kings over the jangali systems that forced them to pay cattle grazing taxes. Second phase was religious. Many of the Fulani people were clerics and scholars. Usman Dan Fodio promoted a version of Islam called Qadiriya. With the usually humble demeanor of a Fulani man who can cleverly disguise his deadly traits until he is ready to destroy you. (The major secret of their success in the kingdoms of Guinea, Mali, Hausa states and Ilorin). Dan Fodio won the trust of the emir of Gobir who made him a cleric in his court and this was where he built his base of loyalists that fought his Jihad with an army of militant herdsmen and converted faithful followers of his version of Islam. The Fulani could not conquer the south before the arrival of the British. Even with the inroads to Yorubalands, they never got to dominate the kingdoms and impose their emirs. This was because their herdsmen and clerics were never allowed in the South and as such, they never got the sympathy of the locals in the south. If the south ever accepts the demands for a colony, we may as well say goodbye to our ancestral home and find new homes for posterity. From this colony, the south would suffer the same fates as Futa Jallon and the Hausa states. from the colony, they would build a community. They would bring their clerics, confuse the gullible (mostly among Yoruba people with a history of coalitions with foreigners to invade their ancestral homes in exchange for special privileges), and totally take over like they have done over many centuries to many kingdoms from Futa Jallon in the far west to the Hausa kingdoms. The British would always look the other way. With a Fulani man in power, Nigeria will always remain a British colony.

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